It’s more important than ever to understand the risks and take proactive steps to protect your business’ data and operations.
Firewall vs. Hornet Security
What is a firewall? How can it safeguard my business’ data? How is Hornet Security different from a firewall? QiC Systems breakdown the key benefits.
Top Cyber Security Issues for SMEs
Cyber security is typically overlooked in small and midsized businesses, and yet given the often-devastating nature of a cyberattack, it is well worth putting proactive measures in place to protect your business and data before the worst happens.
How do I Implement an IT Disaster Recovery Plan?
There are 5 key steps to consider when implementing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan: Step 1: Identify the risks: in what scenario would your data or IT systems be at risk? Consider natural disasters, power failures, cyber-attacks. Step 2: Impact: analyse the impact an IT failure, data breech or data loss would have on …